International comparison

This is Germany's most valuable brand

24.01.2025Reading time: 4 min.

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When shopping: the world around us consists of more or less known brands – but which is the most valuable in Germany? (Source: Bobex-73)

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US companies are at the top in the international brand ranking. Germany also made it to the top ten with its most valuable brand.

Brands are more than just logos or slogans. They are promises, identities and often a guarantee for the success of a company. They surround us in everyday life and influence our buying behavior. They are often an expression of innovation, quality and success. But which brand is the most valuable in the world? And which brand occupies the top position in Germany?

The value of a brand does not arise overnight, but through a combination of awareness, trust and long -term investments. Companies invest billions to build and protect their brands. A strong brand can create customer loyalty, increase sales and ultimately increase the “inner” value of a company.

In a comprehensive study, the platform Tradingpedia, which specializes in financial analyzes, analyzed the most valuable brands in the world and created a current ranking for 2024. Brands from 45 countries were examined.

A globally recognized method of measuring the value of a brand is the so-called royalty relief method. It is estimated how much a company would pay to licens his brand if it would not be their owner. Factors such as the future sales that can be attributed directly to the brand are taken into account license fees (Royalty-Rates), market risks and other economic influences. So it is an estimate of the intangible value of a brand.

The royalty relief method cannot be equated with the market value of a company. The stock market value in which the current share price is multiplied by the number of shares issued reflects the total value of a company, based on the expectations and trust of investors in the future development of the company.

The undisputed number one in the world in 2024 is Apple. With a brand value of around $ 516 billion (EUR 492 billion), the company from California is at the top. Originally started as a computer manufacturer, Apple has made a name for itself with innovative products such as the iPhone, the Apple Watch and the Apple Pay payment service. According to the study, the brand value increased by an impressive 73.63 percent last year – proof of the strong demand for the group's products and services.

Microsoft with $ 340 billion (EUR 324 billion) and Google with $ 333 billion (EUR 317 billion) occupies two and three. Both companies benefit from their strong position in the areas of software, cloud computing and digital advertising. Amazon follows fourth with around $ 308 billion (EUR 293 billion), while Samsung takes fifth place as the leading brand of Asia.

Place Pursue country Brand value
1 Apple USA 516 billion dollars
2 Microsoft USA 340 billion dollars
3 Google USA 333 billion dollars
4 Amazon USA 308 billion dollars
5 Samsung South Korea 99 billion dollars
6 Walmart USA 96 billion dollars
7 Tiktok China 84 billion dollars
8 Facebook USA 75 billion dollars
9 Deutsche Telekom Germany 73 billion dollars
10 ICBC China 71 billion dollars
11 Verizon USA 71 billion dollars
12 SGCC China 71 billion dollars
13 Instagram USA 70 billion dollars
14 China Construction Bank China 65 billion dollars
15 Starbucks USA 60 billion dollars
16 Agriculture Bank of China China 60 billion dollars
17 Mercedes Benz Germany 59 billion dollars
18 Tesla USA 58 billion dollars
19 Oracle USA 53 billion dollars
20 Home Depot USA 52 billion dollars

Interestingly, the ranking shows that six of the ten most valuable brands come from the USA – a clear indication of the dominance of the American technology sector.

Each country has at least one advance brand, but the number and value of the top brands vary greatly-often influenced by the size and strength of the respective economy.

In France, the luxury goods manufacturer Louis Vuitton, which belongs to the parent company LVMH, dominates the Samsung Group in South Korea, and in China the Tiklatok social media platform has replaced the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) as the most valuable brand. Even smaller countries can score with special brands: Sweden with Ikea, Mexico with the beer producer Corona or Finland with the network supplier Nokia.

country Pursue Brand value
Argentina Mercado Libre 4.6 billion dollars
Australia Woolworths 9.7 billion dollars
China Tiktok 84 billion dollars
Denmark Lego 7.9 billion dollars
Germany Deutsche Telekom 73 billion dollars
Finland Nokia 8 billion dollars
France Louis Vuitton 32 billion dollars
Great Britain Shell 50 billion dollars
Italy Gucci 15 billion dollars
Ireland Guinness 2.6 billion dollars
Japan Toyota 52 billion dollars
Mexico corona 10 billion dollars
Netherlands Ing 10 billion dollars
Norway Equinor 16.7 billion dollars
Austria Red Bull 8.3 billion dollars
Romania Dacia $ 1.26 billion
Sweden Ikea 15 billion dollars
Switzerland Nestlé 20 billion dollars
Spain Santander 18 billion dollars
Türkiye Turkish Airlines $ 1.99 billion
USA Apple 516 billion dollars

Germany's most valuable brand

And what about in this country? In Germany as the most valuable brand, Deutsche Telekom ranks 1st in 1st place with a value of around $ 73 billion (around 70 billion euros)-the company takes ninth in the global ranking. This is not only a success for the German company, but also proof of the importance of the telecommunications industry in a digitized world.

Other German brands such as Mercedes-Benz ($ 59.44 billion), Allianz ($ 46.88 billion) and Porsche ($ 43.11 billion) follow within Germany in two to four . BMW ranks fifth place with a value of $ 40 billion.

According to the study, some brands had impressive growth in 2024. NVIDIA, the leading manufacturer of graphics processors and computer chips, recorded the greatest climb and climbed 87 places in the ranking. With growth of the brand value of 162.9 percent, Nvidia achieved a new value of $ 44 billion.


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