Exceptions to seat belt requirements
Do you know these seat belt facts?
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Anyone who is caught not wearing a seatbelt in a car must pay a fine – as of exactly 40 years ago today. But there are exceptions to the requirement – who do they apply to? How should animals be secured? And what about vintage cars without seatbelts?
Before you drive off, you put on your seatbelt, of course. What is now taken for granted was the focus of heated debates in Germany a few decades ago. It has been compulsory since 1976, but violations have only been punished for 40 years: on August 1, 1984, fines for those who refuse to wear a seatbelt were introduced. Today, you have to pay 30 euros if you are caught not wearing a seatbelt.
Does the seat belt requirement always apply?
No, in fact, in some cases in Germany you do not have to wear a seat belt in traffic. According to the Federal Ministry of Transport (BMDV), this applies to so-called door-to-door traffic, for example. People who get out of the vehicle at short intervals, for example when delivering packages, do not have to wear a seat belt. You also do not have to wear a seat belt when driving at walking pace – for example when reversing or in parking lots.
This applies to animals
According to Siegfried Brockmann, there is no obligation for animals to wear seat belts. He is the managing director for road safety and accident research at the Björn Steiger Foundation, which is committed to improving the rescue services. “If you love your animal, you should ensure that it is properly secured,” says Brockmann. There are seat belt systems for animal passengers, too. But not every four-legged friend will let them do this. Brockmann recommends at least installing a good safety net in the car so that the animal does not rush forward out of the trunk when braking.
Do classic cars need seat belts?
Older cars sometimes don't have seat belts – is that allowed? Yes, if the car was first registered before the introduction of seat belts. According to the ADAC, the so-called protection of existing vehicles means that seat belts do not have to be retrofitted.
But be careful: According to the ADAC, children under the age of three are not allowed to travel in vehicles without seat belts. Anyone who is at least 12 years old or taller than 1.50 meters may travel without a seat belt. Children aged 3 and over and under 1.50 meters may travel without a seat belt, but only in the back seat. The ADAC's advice is clear: for safety reasons, this is not recommended.
Belts during pregnancy
If you have a baby in your belly, safety in the car is even more important. For this reason, various manufacturers sell seat belt adapters for pregnant women. However, the ADAC strongly advises against using seat belt adapters. None of the systems examined increase safety. In one out of four seat belt systems, for example, the lap belt did not stay below the baby bump.
The safest solution remains the conventional three-point seat belt. If it is correctly fitted: The ADAC advises pregnant women not to place the lap belt over the stomach. Instead, it should rest low on the hips. If pregnant women are not driving, it is better for them to sit in the passenger seat rather than in the back seat. This is because in most cars, better restraint systems are installed in the front seats than in the back seat.
Take off thick jackets when driving
It is especially important to take off your jacket when driving in winter. Thick clothing creates an additional layer that must be overcome in the event of a collision before the belt can take effect, says Siegfried Brockmann. For optimum protection, the belt should fit as tightly as possible to the body.