“Operation went well”
Heinz Hoenig's wife gives insights into his health

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Around two weeks after his esophageal operation, actor Heinz Hoenig is continuing to recover. It may be months before the second part of his complicated treatment can be carried out. His wife gives an update: The 72-year-old is doing well considering the circumstances.

Heinz Hoenig is currently recovering from an esophageal operation in the intensive care unit in Berlin hospital. The 72-year-old's wife, Annika Kärsten-Hoenig, gave another interview to the “Bild” newspaper about his current state of health. “Heinz is doing well considering the circumstances. Despite the high risk, Heinz survived the operation well, thanks to the fantastic doctors,” she explained.

Her husband underwent an esophagectomy, meaning his esophagus was removed. Since then, the actor has been fed through a tube. “Whether and when the stomach can be 'pulled up' and a food passage created from it will be decided in the next few months,” explained Kärsten-Hoenig. The “Das Boot” star will soon have an operation on his aorta.

Heinz Hoenig is receiving support from a speech therapist to restore his ability to speak and can already communicate quietly. “In addition, he is being mobilized step by step by physiotherapists,” explained Kärsten-Hoenig. Her husband can “sit on the edge of the bed and stand for short periods with help.” According to his wife, with whom he has two sons aged three and one, Hoenig is impatient but optimistic. He has “accepted his fate well and has come to terms with everything.”

The lengthy treatment in the intensive care unit for the 72-year-old, who has no health insurance, is only possible thanks to the generous support of his fans. The donation goal for the campaign on the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe, which is intended to finance his hospital stay, has now been increased from the original 150,000 euros to 500,000 euros in view of the costs.


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