Those with statutory insurance are facing sharp increases in social security contributions in the coming years. What this could mean in euros.

Regardless of whether it is pensions, nursing care or health insurance – according to a study, social insurance contributions could rise dramatically by 2035. As the Berlin-based IGES Institute has determined on behalf of DAK-Gesundheit, from today's perspective there is a risk of an increase in contribution rates to 48.6 percent.

The IGES assumed average values ​​for the factors that determine the contributions – the birth rate, life expectancy, migration and wage development. In the most favorable scenario, the contribution rate would rise to 45.8 percent by 2035. In the worst case, the researchers arrive at a value of 51.2 percent.

Assuming an average development of the determining factors, the increase is distributed across the various insurance branches as follows:

Even if it is not yet clear how much the contributions will actually increase in the end, it is already possible to calculate today what additional amounts in euros would flow to health insurance, pension insurance, long-term care insurance and unemployment insurance depending on gross income. The following tables give you an overview.

Good to know: For employees in midi jobs, where the monthly gross salary is between 538.01 and 2,000 euros, the social security contributions are calculated differently. You then pay less than half, while the employee pays a larger share.

Above a certain salary, contributions no longer increase. Income above the so-called contribution assessment limit is exempt from contributions. Read here where the contribution assessment limit currently is.


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