Good news for state employees in Texas! Starting from July 1, 2023, eligible employees in the State of Texas will receive a salary increase. The increase will continue through August 31, 2024, providing a much-needed boost to their annual income.

This salary increase amounts to 5 percent of the monthly salary, with a minimum increase of $250 per month. In the second year, there will be an additional 5 percent increase in annual salary, ensuring a minimum increase of $3,000 for the year. This is great news for hardworking individuals in the state.

The increase applies to various entities, including state agencies, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, and other eligible organizations. This comprehensive approach ensures that the benefits reach a wide range of employees in different sectors.

The salary increase is made possible through the enactment of Senate Bill 30 and House Bill 1, the General Appropriations Act. These bills allocate the necessary funds to cover the salary increase and related benefit costs. Thanks to this funding, state employees can look forward to a better financial future.

It’s important to note that agencies have specific requirements to follow regarding the salary increase appropriation and budget revisions. This ensures that the allocated funds are used effectively and efficiently. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts provides valuable information in this regard.

In conclusion, the State of Texas is committed to supporting its hardworking employees. The 2024 salary increase will provide a much-needed boost to the income of eligible individuals in various sectors. This is a positive step towards ensuring the well-being and financial stability of state employees.

Eligible Entities for Salary Increase

The salary increase in Texas applies to various entities, including state agencies, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. It also applies to the Texas Permanent School Fund Corporation, all staff at the Windham School District and Texas Juvenile Justice Department, non-instructional staff at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas A&M University System service agencies.

Eligible Entities:

  • State Agencies
  • Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
  • Teacher Retirement System of Texas
  • Texas Permanent School Fund Corporation
  • Staff at the Windham School District and Texas Juvenile Justice Department
  • Non-instructional staff at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Texas A&M University System service agencies
State AgenciesIncludes all eligible state agencies
Texas Higher Education Coordinating BoardApplies to staff employed by the board
Teacher Retirement System of TexasApplies to employees of the retirement system
Texas Permanent School Fund CorporationCovers eligible staff working for the fund corporation
Windham School District and Texas Juvenile Justice DepartmentIncludes all staff members at these educational institutions
Texas School for the Blind and Visually ImpairedNon-instructional staff at the institution
Texas A&M University System service agenciesCovers service agencies under the university system

Duration of Salary Increase

The salary increase for eligible employees in Texas will be in effect from July 1, 2023, through Aug. 31, 2024. This duration allows employees to benefit from a substantial increase in their monthly and annual salaries.

During the first year, employees will experience a 5 percent increase in their monthly salary, ensuring a significant boost in their income. This increase comes with a minimum raise of $250 per month, providing much-needed financial stability.

In the second year, employees can look forward to an additional 5 percent increase in their annual salary. This translates to a minimum increase of $3,000 for the year, further enhancing their earning potential and improving their financial well-being.

The duration of the salary increase reflects the commitment of the State of Texas to support its employees and acknowledges their dedication and valuable contributions to the state’s workforce.

Duration of Salary IncreaseYear 1Year 2
 Monthly Salary IncreaseMinimum Monthly IncreaseAnnual Salary IncreaseMinimum Annual Increase
Salary Increase5%$250Additional 5%$3,000

Appropriation and Funding

The salary increase for Texas state employees is funded through the enactment of Senate Bill 30 and House Bill 1, the General Appropriations Act. These bills allocate the necessary funds to cover the salary increase and any associated employee benefit costs. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts provides detailed information on the appropriations for the salary increase.

Agency Requirements for Salary Increase

All affected agencies are required to determine the amount of salary increase appropriation necessary to fund the total increase in salaries for their employees. This ensures that each agency can adequately compensate their employees and support their financial well-being. The agencies must carefully analyze their budgets and financial resources to determine the appropriate allocation for salary increases.

It is crucial for agencies to ensure that the salary increase amounts and benefit costs paid from multiple appropriated funds are proportional to the agency’s method of finance. This means that the allocation must align with the agency’s financial structure and funding sources, avoiding any discrepancies or imbalances. By maintaining proportional salary increases and benefit costs, agencies can effectively manage their budgets and provide fair compensation to their employees.

Furthermore, agencies are prohibited from increasing fees or taxes to offset the appropriations made for the salary increase. This ensures that the burden of funding the salary increase does not fall on taxpayers or users of agency services. By adhering to this requirement, agencies can uphold their commitment to responsible financial management and prioritize the well-being of both their employees and the public they serve.

In summary, agency requirements for salary increase appropriation demand a careful analysis of budgetary needs, proportional allocation of funds, and non-reliance on increased fees or taxes. These requirements aim to ensure the stability and fairness of salary increases for Texas state employees.

Budget Revision and Appropriation Transfers

Each agency in Texas is required to prepare and submit a budget revision using the Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS). This revision is necessary to transfer the amount allocated for salary increases and the associated benefit costs from the Comptroller’s office to the respective agency’s receiving account.

The deadline for completing the budget revision and appropriation transfers is July 7, 2023. Agencies must ensure timely submission to avoid any delays in providing the salary increase to Texas state employees.

During the budget revision process, agencies are required to answer specific questions regarding the nature of the transfer. These questions include whether it is a committed or collected budget and the appropriate fund to transfer from Agency 902.

By carefully completing the budget revision and appropriation transfers, agencies can ensure that the salary increase funds are properly allocated to the deserving Texas state employees.

Other Benefit Costs and Return of Excess Appropriation Authority

In addition to the salary increase for Texas state employees, there are other benefit costs that need to be taken into consideration. These benefit costs include the Social Security-State Match, benefit replacement pay, and state retirement contributions. Agencies must factor in the impact of the salary increase on these benefit costs and include additional amounts in their allocation requests.

It is crucial for agencies to carefully manage the allocation of funds to ensure that they have enough resources to cover both the salary increase and the associated benefit costs. By doing so, they can ensure that employees receive the full benefits they are entitled to.

Furthermore, any unused salary increase allocation amounts from Senate Bill 30 (SB 30) must be returned to the Comptroller’s office by October 30, 2023. This ensures that funds are appropriately managed and that any excess appropriation authority is returned to the designated authority.

Benefit CostDescription
Social Security-State MatchThe portion of Social Security taxes that the state of Texas pays on behalf of its employees.
Benefit Replacement PayCompensation provided to employees who are injured or become ill due to job-related reasons and are unable to work.
State RetirementContributions made by the state of Texas towards employee retirement plans.

General Appropriations Act for 2024-25

The General Appropriations Act for 2024-25 in Texas is a comprehensive budget plan that determines the allocation of state tax money. With a total of $144 billion in funding, this budget addresses key areas of focus and aims to meet the diverse needs of the state.

One notable aspect of the General Appropriations Act is its attention to tax cuts, allowing individuals and businesses to retain more of their hard-earned money. This measure aims to stimulate economic growth and provide financial relief to taxpayers.

Another crucial area of the budget is mental health access. Recognizing the importance of mental well-being, the Texas government has allocated significant resources to improve mental health services and support initiatives that prioritize the mental wellness of its residents.

State employees are also beneficiaries of the General Appropriations Act. The budget includes provisions for pay raises, recognizing the dedication and hard work of state employees in various sectors. This investment not only rewards employees but also aims to attract and retain top talent.

Ensuring the safety and security of the state, the General Appropriations Act allocates funds for border security measures. By bolstering border control efforts, the budget aims to maintain the integrity of Texas borders and protect its residents.

Another area of focus is the expansion of state parks. The General Appropriations Act provides funding to enhance and maintain state parks, ensuring that Texans have access to natural landscapes and recreational opportunities.

Recognizing the importance of modern infrastructure, the General Appropriations Act also directs funds towards broadband and water infrastructure projects. This investment aims to improve connectivity and access to essential resources across the state, boosting economic development and quality of life.

The General Appropriations Act for 2024-25 is designed to stay within constitutional spending limits while effectively utilizing state tax money to address the diverse needs of Texas. The budget also fills the state’s emergency coffers and supports investments in highway infrastructure.

Policy Fights and Contingencies in the Budget

Certain policy issues and commitments in the Texas state budget for 2024-25 faced opposition and led to heated policy fights between the Texas House and Senate. These disagreements affected the final budget and resulted in the exclusion of proposed teacher pay raises and increases in school funding. Additionally, the administration of property tax cuts was in jeopardy.

Furthermore, the budget includes certain contingencies that require voter approval in November. For example, funding for park projects is contingent on the outcome of the upcoming elections. This means that the availability of funds for park development is dependent on the approval of voters during this period.

It is important to note that the budget for 2024-25 does not include funding for retired state employees. This raises concerns about the financial security of retired individuals who have dedicated their careers to public service in Texas.

Moreover, the funding for certain areas such as state prisons and university projects is closely tied to the passage of additional bills. The allocation of resources to these areas is contingent on the successful passage of specific legislation, highlighting the interconnectedness of different policy priorities.

These policy fights and contingencies demonstrate the complexity of the budgeting process and the challenges faced in balancing the diverse needs and interests of various stakeholders in Texas.

Legislative Updates: Pay Increases for All COs and Employees

In the realm of Texas legislation, there’s been a significant development that directly impacts the financial well-being of state employees, including those working within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). Let’s delve into the details and understand what this means for hardworking individuals like you and me.

Imagine you’re part of a team, let’s say a basketball team. Each player contributes their unique skills and efforts to help the team succeed. Now, just like in a team, every individual working for the state plays a vital role in keeping things running smoothly. From teachers shaping young minds to officers ensuring public safety, everyone deserves recognition and fair compensation for their dedication.

So, what’s the big news? Well, starting from July 1, 2023, eligible employees across various sectors in Texas, including the TDCJ, will receive a well-deserved salary increase. This increase isn’t just a token gesture; it’s a meaningful boost to their annual income, acknowledging their hard work and contributions.

Now, let’s break down the numbers. The salary increase amounts to 5 percent of the monthly salary, ensuring that everyone gets a piece of the pie. But here’s the catch – there’s also a minimum increase of $250 per month. This means that even if you’re on the lower end of the pay scale, you’ll still feel the positive impact in your wallet.

But wait, there’s more! In the second year, there’s an additional 5 percent increase in annual salary. Picture this as an extra layer of icing on your paycheck cake. This time, the minimum increase jumps to $3,000 for the year. Now, that’s something to smile about!

Now, let’s zoom out a bit and look at the bigger picture. This salary increase isn’t just for a select few; it’s for everyone from state agencies to educational institutions and beyond. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, and even the Texas Juvenile Justice Department – everyone’s in on this.

But how is all of this possible? Well, it’s all thanks to Senate Bill 30 and House Bill 1, the General Appropriations Act. These bills allocate the necessary funds to cover the salary increase and related benefit costs. Think of it as ensuring that everyone gets their fair share of the budget pie.

Now, let’s talk logistics. Agencies have specific requirements to follow regarding the salary increase appropriation and budget revisions. This ensures that the allocated funds are used effectively and efficiently, like making sure each player gets their fair share of playing time on the court.

In summary, the State of Texas is committed to supporting its hardworking employees. Whether you’re a teacher shaping the future generation or a CO ensuring safety and security, this salary increase is a testament to your dedication and valuable contributions. So, here’s to a brighter financial future for all state employees – you’ve earned it!

How many salary increases will employees receive?

In the heart of Texas, a significant financial uplift awaits the diligent employees of state agencies, educational institutions, and various other eligible entities. As part of a thoughtful initiative to bolster the economic well-being of its workforce, Texas is set to implement salary increases not once, but twice within a specified timeframe, encompassing the fiscal years 2023 through 2024.

The Tale of Two Raises: A Financial Odyssey in Texas

Let’s embark on a fiscal journey through the Lone Star State, where our guides are none other than the legislative instruments known as Senate Bill 30 and House Bill 1, the General Appropriations Act. These legislative beacons have charted a course towards financial improvement for state employees, ensuring their voyage is both rewarding and beneficial.

Chapter 1: The Initial Boost The saga begins on July 1, 2023, marking a pivotal moment for eligible employees who find themselves at the threshold of financial enhancement. This initial phase introduces a 5 percent increase in monthly salary, laying down the groundwork for prosperity. However, it’s not just any increase; it’s designed with a compassionate touch, ensuring a minimum bump of $250 per month. This ensures that even the smallest ships in the fleet receive a push forward in these financial waters.

Imagine, if you will, a Texas where every hardworking individual, from the educators shaping the future at the University of North Texas to the diligent staff within the Health and Human Services sector, sees their efforts recognized and rewarded. This chapter is not just about numbers; it’s about valuing contributions, big and small.

Chapter 2: The Second Wind As our journey progresses, we reach the second year, heralded by an additional increase. This time, it’s a 5 percent raise in annual salary, ensuring that the sails of our employees’ financial ships catch a favorable wind once more. This gust of financial uplift guarantees a minimum increase of $3,000 for the year, propelling our workforce towards greater economic stability and prosperity.

Navigating Through the Legislative Seas Behind these benevolent increases are the vigilant efforts of the state’s legislative bodies, steering through the session with a clear vision for a better Texas. The passage of Senate Bill 30 and House Bill 1 reflects a unified commitment to the well-being of those who serve the state and its inhabitants, from providing essential human services to nurturing minds at state universities.

The Beacon of Health and Human Services In the vast ocean of state employment, the Health and Human Services sector stands as a lighthouse, guiding those in need towards safety and care. It’s imperative that the custodians of this beacon—its dedicated employees—receive the support and recognition they deserve, ensuring they can continue their noble mission with vigor and dedication.

A Coalition of Support This financial odyssey would not be possible without the collective efforts of the state government, nonpartisan news organizations like the Texas Tribune, and the community of members who stand in support of equity, inclusion, and the dissemination of essential Texas news. Together, they form a formidable fleet, advocating for the rights and welfare of state employees across Texas.

In Conclusion: The Horizon Ahead As we reach the end of our journey, it’s clear that the State of Texas is not just promising salary increases; it’s reaffirming its commitment to the hardworking individuals who are the backbone of state agencies, universities, and services. Through these raises, Texas not only acknowledges the invaluable contributions of its employees but also sets a course towards a future marked by financial stability and collective prosperity.

Let us remember this voyage as a testament to the strength and resilience of Texas’ workforce, propelled forward by well-deserved raises and the unwavering support of the state’s legislative and community allies. The horizon looks promising, and the sails are set for a brighter tomorrow.

New money for university tuition freeze

In an era where the rising cost of higher education has become a pressing concern for many, the State of Texas embarks on a noteworthy endeavor. Amidst the vibrant discussions and decisions of the 88th legislative session, a strategic move towards freezing university tuition rates has captured the attention and applause of students, families, and educators alike. This initiative, a beacon of hope for many, is set to redefine the financial landscape of higher education within the Lone Star State.

Bridging the Gap: The Financial Blueprint

Picture this: a world where the daunting hurdle of escalating tuition fees no longer threatens the dreams and aspirations of young minds eager to explore the realms of knowledge and innovation. The Texas Senate, in a pivotal decision, has earmarked new funds specifically designed to freeze university tuition rates, providing a much-needed reprieve for students and their families. This is not just about making education affordable; it’s about investing in the future of Texas and its youth.

The Role of TSEU-CWA 6186 in Championing Change

At the forefront of advocating for this transformative policy stands TSEU-CWA 6186, a beacon of support for state employees and a pivotal player in the push for fair and equitable education financing. Their relentless advocacy and negotiations have been instrumental in bringing this issue to the spotlight, ensuring that the voices of educators, university employees, and students resonate within the halls of the Texas legislature.

Understanding the Impact: A Comprehensive Approach

This tuition freeze is more than just a financial strategy; it’s a comprehensive approach aimed at combating the turnover rates among university staff and faculty, providing stability, and ensuring that Texas remains a competitive and attractive destination for both educators and students. By securing the financial barriers to education, we not only enhance the quality of higher education but also foster an environment where learning and teaching can thrive unimpeded by financial constraints.

The Ripple Effect: From the Legislature to the Lecture Hall

The decision to allocate funds for a university tuition freeze is a testament to the commitment of the Texas legislature to address the pressing needs of its citizens. As this policy moves from the legislative chambers to the lecture halls, its impact will be felt across the board. Students will have better access to higher education, university employees will benefit from a stable work environment, and the state will cultivate a well-educated workforce ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Looking Ahead: The Path Forward

As we stand on the brink of this educational renaissance, it’s essential to recognize that this is just the beginning. The journey towards making higher education accessible and affordable for all Texans requires ongoing commitment, collaboration, and innovation. With the Texas Senate leading the charge, supported by organizations like TSEU-CWA 6186 and backed by the collective will of the people, the future of higher education in Texas looks brighter than ever.

In conclusion, the introduction of new funds to freeze university tuition represents a significant milestone in the pursuit of affordable higher education in Texas. By addressing the financial challenges faced by students and university employees alike, the State of Texas sets a precedent for meaningful change, ensuring that higher education remains a beacon of hope, opportunity, and innovation for generations to come.

Texans need truth.

In the heart of Texas, as the 88th Legislature convenes, a crucial dialogue unfolds, one that carries the weight of financial well-being for countless state employees. This dialogue is not just about numbers on a paycheck; it’s about recognizing the unwavering dedication of individuals who serve the Lone Star State. It’s a narrative that demands transparency and truth, especially when it pertains to the topic of salary increases for state employees.

The Call for Statewide Pay Raise: A Closer Look

As we navigate through the fiscal landscape of 2023-2024, the Texas Legislature is faced with a budget request that is more than just a financial document; it’s a testament to the state’s commitment to its workforce. Within this budget lies a proposal for a statewide pay raise for state employees, a move aimed at addressing the cost of living adjustments and the need for a more competitive base salary structure.

State employees, from those working within the Health and Human Services Commission to educators in state universities, find themselves at a crossroads. The promise of an across-the-board pay raise is not merely about enhancing their financial stability; it’s about acknowledging their invaluable contributions to the fabric of Texas society. It’s about ensuring that the financial supporters of Texas, those who invest their skills and dedication into the state, are duly recognized and compensated.

Understanding the Impact of the Proposed Raises

The proposed raises for state employees are designed to be more than a mere adjustment to their base salary. They’re an investment in the quality of state services, an acknowledgment of the rising cost of living, and a step towards reducing turnover within state agencies and universities. This initiative reflects an understanding that a satisfied and financially secure workforce is instrumental in delivering efficient and effective services to the citizens of Texas.

The narrative of the pay raise encompasses various aspects: from longevity pay, which rewards employees for their dedication over the years, to ensuring that the base salary keeps pace with the economic realities of our times. The 88th legislature’s budget request is a clarion call for a fair and equitable compensation model, one that respects the hard work and perseverance of state employees.

The Transparency and Accountability Texans Deserve

Texans need truth. They need to know that their representatives are working tirelessly to ensure that state employees, the backbone of Texas’ day-to-day operations, are treated with the fairness and respect they deserve. As discussions unfold and policies are debated, it is crucial that transparency and accountability guide these conversations. Every Texan, from the bustling cities of Houston and Dallas to the serene landscapes of the Hill Country, deserves to understand how their state is upholding its commitment to those who serve it.

In conclusion, the proposed salary increases for state employees in the Texas budget for 2023-2024 are a reflection of the state’s acknowledgment of the hard work and dedication of its workforce. It’s a commitment to enhancing the well-being of those who contribute tirelessly to the state’s success. As Texans, it’s our collective responsibility to stay informed, to seek the truth, and to ensure that our state remains a place of fairness, opportunity, and prosperity for all who call it home.

state of texas pay raise

In the grand scheme of Texas governance, where every decision can ripple through millions of lives, the issue of employee compensation is not just a budget line item; it’s a reflection of value and respect for those who serve. As the Texas Legislature deliberates on the proposed pay raise for all employees within the state’s vast machinery, including vital sectors like the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD), there’s a palpable sense of anticipation and hope. This proposed adjustment isn’t merely about numbers; it’s about fairness, recognition, and the pursuit of a more equitable state for its workforce.

Understanding the Impact: From Texas Tech to the University of Houston

Across the board, pay raises have been a topic of discussion and debate among state lawmakers, budget writers, and the countless financial supporters of Texas. The implications stretch far and wide, impacting institutions from Texas Tech to the University of Houston, and every state agency and university in between. This proposed increase aims to address several critical issues: from the need for better pay to keep pace with the cost of living, to targeted raises that acknowledge the unique demands placed on certain employee positions.

As Comptroller Glenn Hegar and other key figures scrutinize the budget, the goal is to ensure that the supplemental budget not only meets the immediate needs but sets a precedent for fairness and competitiveness within the public sector. With billions in state funding at stake, the balancing act between fiscal responsibility and equitable compensation is more intricate than ever.

Frequently Asked Questions: Clarifying the Proposal

Among employees and retirees, active employees, and the broader community of supporters of the Texas Tribune and other nonpartisan news organizations, there are numerous questions. How will the raises be implemented? Who qualifies for targeted raises? How will this affect the annual pay of those working in critical roles within agencies like HHSC and TJJD?

The answer lies in a meticulous review of the budget, with a keen eye on ensuring that all active employees see a tangible improvement in their compensation. This includes not just a straightforward percentage increase but a comprehensive strategy to address longevity, performance, and the unique challenges faced by different roles within the state workforce.

A Glimpse into the Future: What Comes Next

As the state of Texas edges closer to finalizing the pay raise for its employees, the dialogue continues among state lawmakers, budget writers, and the entities responsible for implementing these changes. The supplemental budget, once approved, will mark a significant step towards not just better pay but a stronger acknowledgment of the value of public service.

The road ahead will involve careful monitoring, adjustments, and ongoing discussions to ensure that the raise meets its intended goals. For many Texans, this isn’t just about a paycheck; it’s about the state’s commitment to those who dedicate their lives to public service. As we move forward, the focus remains on building a Texas that not only thrives economically but excels in fairness and opportunity for all its employees.

How is the amount of the increase calculated for newly hired eligible employees?

In the landscape of public service within a certain state like Texas, the discussion about raises for state employees often takes center stage, especially during legislative sessions when budget bills are scrutinized and debated. As part of this ongoing dialogue, a key focus has been on ensuring that the compensation framework is both equitable and reflective of the state’s appreciation for its workforce. This includes understanding the specifics, such as how raises are calculated for newly hired eligible employees.

For newly hired eligible employees, the calculation of the salary increase is a process rooted in fairness and strategic planning. The state utilizes a cost account method that takes into consideration several factors to ensure the raises are not only justified but also sustainable within the state’s financial framework. These factors include the base salary of the position, the current market rate for similar roles both within and outside the public sector, and the cost of living adjustments necessitated by economic changes.

Daily Newsletter That Keeps Readers Up to Speed

To keep the workforce and the general public informed, the state, through its financial supporters and in partnership with entities like the Texas Tribune, provides updates via a daily newsletter. This newsletter is pivotal in keeping readers up to speed on the most essential developments regarding employee compensation, budget allocations, and other related news. It serves as a transparent channel, ensuring that the conversation around such crucial matters is accessible to all interested parties.

Ensuring Equity and Inclusion

The state’s approach to determining raises, particularly for new hires, is also informed by its commitment to equity and inclusion. This commitment is evident in the budget bill, which outlines specific measures to address disparities and promote inclusivity across all levels of state employment. The goal is to create a workplace that not only rewards skills and experience but also recognizes the importance of diverse perspectives and backgrounds.

Navigating Through Legislative Approval

It’s important to note that all proposed salary adjustments, including those for newly hired eligible employees, must be approved by the state legislature. This process involves detailed presentations and justifications by various departments to the budget writers, outlining why the proposed increases are necessary and how they align with the state’s fiscal health and strategic goals.

During these sessions, references to the Texas Tribune’s policies and investigative pieces, such as those examining health insurance programs or scrutinizing Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office, often come into play. These discussions help to frame the budget within the broader context of state governance and public service, ensuring that financial allocations, including those for employee raises, are made with a comprehensive understanding of their impact.

“This budget,” as it is often referred to in legislative circles, represents more than just numbers on a page. It embodies the state’s commitment to its employees, aiming to ensure that their compensation is competitive, fair, and reflective of the essential roles they play in serving the public. By adopting a calculated approach to determining raises for newly hired eligible employees, the state endeavors to uphold its principles of equity and inclusion, while also maintaining fiscal responsibility. The process, though complex, is a testament to the state’s dedication to its workforce, ensuring that those who choose to serve are supported and valued.

Merit and Salary Increases at Texas State University

In FY24, Texas State University is committed to providing merit and salary increases to eligible faculty and staff. The university has established a permanent, performance-based merit pool to reward exceptional performance and achievements.

Under this initiative, regular staff and faculty members earning under $100,000 per year will receive a permanent 2% salary adjustment. This adjustment aims to recognize their valuable contributions and dedication to the university.

Furthermore, employees earning less than $30,000 will receive a salary increase to raise their income to $30,000, ensuring a fair and equitable compensation for all members of the Texas State University community.

Please note that eligibility criteria apply for both the salary adjustment and merit increase. Factors such as start date, active employment, and completion of mandatory trainings will be taken into consideration to determine eligibility.

In conclusion, the State of Texas has taken significant steps in providing salary increases for eligible employees. These increases include a 5 percent raise in monthly salary for the first year, followed by an additional 5 percent raise in annual salary for the second year. This salary increase applies to various state agencies, educational institutions, and other entities, ensuring that a wide range of employees can benefit from the raise.

Agencies have specific requirements for budget revisions and appropriation transfers to ensure proper funding for these salary increases. It is crucial for agencies to comply with these guidelines to ensure a smooth and efficient implementation of the raises.

Furthermore, the budget for 2024-25 in Texas encompasses various allocations. These include provisions for tax cuts, improved mental health access, and investments in infrastructure projects. However, it is important to note that the final budget was affected by certain policy fights and contingencies, resulting in a lack of funding for areas like retired state employees and prison air conditioning.

Additionally, Texas State University is committed to providing merit and salary increases for eligible faculty and staff. By offering these adjustments, the university recognizes the valuable contributions of its employees and aims to retain and attract top talent.


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