2.50 euros more wages: Retail workers are now on strike for this. A large supermarket chain is also affected by this.

The Verdi union has called on retail workers to go on warning strikes. Employees nationwide are scheduled to go on strike on Friday. “This is just the first of several strike and action highlights in the coming weeks,” the union said.

The current round of collective bargaining in retail has been going on for months. Even numerous warning strikes, for example right before Christmas, could not change the messy situation. The warning strikes have so far had little impact on customers because participation in the industrial action was rather low.

Verdi: Employers are blocking the negotiations

Verdi is demanding at least 2.50 euros more per hour in retail nationwide over a period of one year. Depending on the federal state, there are additional requirements. Top-level talks at the federal level have not brought any progress recently. Verdi accuses the employers of blocking the negotiations.

According to Verdi, several weeks of action will follow until Easter. “We want to specifically focus on the blockers in the employer camp. This week we are starting with Edeka. To do this, actions are taking place in front of warehouses and branches,” announced Silke Zimmer, Verdi federal board member responsible for retail. The union is also planning several strike rallies at Edeka on Friday, for example in Hamburg, Cologne and Chemnitz.


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