Boxing match against Stefan Raab
Regina Halmich promises a “mega show”

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As we all know, all good things come in threes. Former boxing world champion Regina Halmich is already looking forward to her third boxing match against Stefan Raab. Despite two wins against the TV entertainer, she doesn't underestimate her opponent – or his weight.

“I thought about whether I should do it again and then thought: Those were two great shows back then. And I have the confidence to do that. So I said: 'Okay, Stefan, let's do it!'” On the sidelines of the “Gala Spa Awards” on Chiemsee, former boxing world champion Regina Halmich reveals in an RTL interview why she wants to get into the ring against Stefan Raab for the third time on September 14th. The 47-year-old promises the fans a “mega show” and is sure that her opponent will be “in great spirits”.

In the video with which Raab announced his spectacular boxing revenge on Easter Monday, the former “TV Total” presenter doesn't seem fit at all. Apparently overweight, he sits in a rowing boat and is planning the fight on September 14th with his former TV intern Elton, which half of Germany is already excited about. Is it all just a bluff? Halmich's assessment of her opponent could be an indication of this. “You shouldn't forget that Stefan Raab has at least 35 kilos more than me,” she explains in an interview with RTL. A look at Halmich, who cuts a fine figure in the tight sequined dress at the event, gives rise to the suspicion: it can't actually be as much as Raab claims to weigh in his current video.

Halmich wants to compete “in top form”.

Nevertheless, the 35 kilos more is a number that the experienced former professional fighter has respect for. “Normally you say: A boxer against another boxer with a difference of 35 kilos – no chance!” explains Halmich in the RTL interview. And grins. After all, she has already proven twice that Raab's body mass wasn't particularly helpful to him in the ring

“In the first fight I broke his nose. In the second fight his rib was bruised. Let's see what happens this time. But I definitely won't underestimate the task because I think he will be trained,” said Halmich. “Thank God I'm pretty fit. I actually train all year round. But I have to say that I haven't really worn boxing gloves for 17 years. Now I'm training again with my old trainer, who is preparing me for real world championship fights the 47-year-old explains her strategy. She plans to present herself “in top form” on September 14th in front of 15,000 spectators in the arena of the Düsseldorf PSD Dome.

Raab can only do “crazy and big”

She found out about Raab's desire for revenge three weeks before anyone else, but was at least “just as surprised.” “When men simply can't age gracefully, they come up with ideas about challenging women,” says Halmich, amused. “It's crazy. But Stefan is just crazy and big.”

However, Raab cannot hope for protection because of his advanced age of 57 years. “One thing is clear, you can't play boxing. We'll hit each other in the face too, that's clear. That's the deal,” Halmich makes clear. She hopes to “hit me more often than he hits me.”


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