Over 30 stitches for romantic photo
Aurora Ramazzotti suffers mosquito attack

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Aurora Ramazzotti is willing to put up with a lot for the perfect photo. Michelle Hunziker's daughter took unwanted souvenirs home with her from the latest photo shoot with her boyfriend Goffredo Cerza.

Aurora Ramazzotti has shared new couple photos with her partner Goffredo Cerza on Instagram. In the amorous snapshots, the 27-year-old is lying in the arms of her lover in the garden, wearing only a bikini. But appearances are deceptive. “These very good photos of my brother Gabrio cost us about 30 mosquito bites each,” revealed Michelle Hunziker's daughter in the caption.

As the last picture in the series, she added a selfie in which a large bite in the middle of her forehead is clearly visible. “A special thank you to whoever hit me with geometric precision right in the middle of my forehead,” Ramazzotti joked about the mosquito attack. In her Instagram story, she added a picture showing Cerza's bitten back.

The photographer was her nine-year-old half-brother

The couple photos show no sign of the mosquitoes' suffering. The photographer was Aurora Ramazzotti's nine-year-old half-brother Gabrio. He and his sister Raffaela are from the relationship of her father, Eros Ramazzotti, with his ex-wife Marica Pellegrinelli. The influencer also has two other half-sisters: Sole and Celeste from her mother's marriage to her ex Tomaso Trussardi.

Aurora Ramazzotti takes her 2.6 million followers on social media through her everyday life. There she shows life with her partner and their son Cesare, shares funny videos or presents her outfits. The 27-year-old also repeatedly proves with pictures and texts on Instagram that she has a close relationship with her younger siblings.

In March last year, Aurora Ramazzotti made her beautiful mother a grandmother at the age of 46. Hunziker had no problem with that, she was very happy about the birth of her grandchild Cesare. The Swiss woman told the Italian daily newspaper “Corriere della Sera”: “I am proud to be such a young grandmother, because then I can play around with my grandson, I take him skiing, to sports, I still have so much energy.” With only a 19-year age difference, she experienced her daughter's pregnancy almost like “a fourth motherhood”.


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