Have you ever wondered what the upcoming school year has in store for students and teachers in Leon County? Well, the wait is over! The Leon County School Calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year has just been released, and it’s packed with important dates and events that you won’t want to miss. From the first day of school to holidays and breaks, this calendar will help you plan your academic schedule and make the most of your time in the classroom. So, are you ready to dive into the exciting world of the Leon County academic schedule and discover what lies ahead? Let’s explore the school calendar for 2023-2024 and unveil the key dates that will shape your educational journey.

Important Dates for Leon County Schools 2023-2024.

The academic calendar for Leon County Schools in 2023-2024 is packed with important dates that students and parents need to mark on their calendars. Whether it’s the first day of school or holidays and breaks throughout the year, staying informed about these dates is crucial for planning and preparation.

Key Dates:

  • August 10: First day of school
  • September 4: Labor Day holiday
  • September 25: Fall holiday
  • December 19: End of first semester
  • December 20-29: Winter holidays
  • January 4: Start of second semester
  • January 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday
  • March 11-15: Spring Break
  • May 24: Last day of school

These dates are just a few examples of the important milestones throughout the academic year in Leon County Schools. Whether it’s the excitement of the first day, the celebration of holidays, or the much-anticipated spring break, each date has its own significance in the school year.

Being aware of these dates allows students, parents, and teachers to plan vacations, make necessary arrangements, and ensure students are present for important milestones. It’s important to note that these dates are subject to change, so it’s always advisable to stay updated with the latest information from the school district.

Date Event
August 10 First day of school
September 4 Labor Day holiday
September 25 Fall holiday
December 19 End of first semester
December 20-29 Winter holidays
January 4 Start of second semester
January 15 Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday
March 11-15 Spring Break
May 24 Last day of school

Leon County School Holidays 2023-2024.

During the 2023-2024 school year in Leon County, students will enjoy several holidays. These holidays provide students with well-deserved breaks from their academic routines and allow them to spend quality time with family and friends. Below is a list of the major holidays observed in Leon County during the 2023-2024 academic year:

  • Labor Day – September 4th
  • Veterans Day – November 10th
  • Thanksgiving Holidays – November 20th to 24th
  • Winter Holidays – December 20th to January 1st
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day – January 15th
  • Presidents Day – February 19th
  • Spring Holiday – April 1st
  • Memorial Day – May 27th

These holidays not only provide students with a much-needed break but also offer opportunities for exploration, relaxation, and the celebration of important events and figures in history. It is important for students and their families to plan their activities accordingly, ensuring they make the most of these holidays.

Leon County School Term Dates 2023-2024.

The 2023-2024 school year in Leon County is divided into two terms:

  1. First term: August 10th to December 19th

    • Includes a fall holiday on September 25th
  2. Second term: January 4th to May 24th

    • Includes a spring break from March 11th to 15th

The school year is carefully structured to provide students with both instructional time and necessary breaks, ensuring a well-rounded academic experience.

Leon County School District Calendar 2023-2024.

The Leon County School District follows a comprehensive calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. This calendar includes all schools within the district and outlines important dates for students and teachers. It ensures consistency and uniformity across the district, allowing for effective planning and coordination.

The calendar includes various events and breaks throughout the academic year, providing students with well-deserved time off and teachers with opportunities for planning and professional development.

Here are some key features of the Leon County School District Calendar 2023-2024:

  1. Holidays: The calendar includes designated days off for holidays such as Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, winter break, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, and spring break. These holidays allow students and staff to celebrate, rest, and recharge.
  2. Early Release Days: The calendar incorporates early release days to facilitate staff meetings, teacher collaboration, and professional development. On these days, students are dismissed earlier than usual to accommodate these essential activities.
  3. Teacher Planning Days: The calendar designates specific days for teacher planning, allowing educators to prepare lessons, assess student progress, and engage in professional growth activities. These planning days contribute to the overall effectiveness of the teaching and learning process.

By following the Leon County School District Calendar, students, parents, and teachers can stay informed about important dates and events, ensuring a smooth and well-organized academic year. The district’s commitment to a structured calendar reflects its dedication to providing a high-quality education for all students.

Calendar Features Dates
Holidays Various throughout the year
Early Release Days Regularly scheduled
Teacher Planning Days Designated throughout the year

Printable Leon County School Calendar 2023-2024.

The Leon County School Calendar for 2023-2024 is now available for download and printing. This printable calendar includes all the important dates for the school year, ensuring that students, parents, and teachers can easily access and reference the schedule. Whether it’s tracking holidays, breaks, or planning days, this calendar provides a comprehensive overview of the academic year.

By having a printable version of the Leon County School Calendar, students and parents can conveniently reference important dates, ensuring they never miss an important event or deadline. Teachers can also use the calendar to plan their lessons and activities, keeping everyone on track throughout the school year.

To download and print the Leon County School Calendar 2023-2024, simply click on the link below:

  • Download Leon County School Calendar 2023-2024

With easy access to the printable calendar, students, parents, and teachers can stay organized and plan their schedules effectively. Having a physical copy can serve as a convenient reminder of important dates, preventing any scheduling conflicts and ensuring a smooth academic year.

Key Dates Description
Holidays Includes national and school-specific holidays
Breaks Scheduled breaks for students and teachers
Planning Days Dates allocated for teacher planning and professional development

By referring to the printable Leon County School Calendar, students, parents, and teachers can effectively manage their time and prioritize their commitments. It serves as a valuable resource in ensuring that everyone is on the same page and can make the most of the academic year.

Leon County School Events and Key Academic Dates.

Along with regular instructional days and holidays, the Leon County School Calendar 2023-2024 also includes key academic events and dates. These events may vary from school to school but are an integral part of the academic year. They provide students with opportunities for enrichment, engagement, and personal growth. Administrators, teachers, and staff work together to organize and communicate these events to ensure that everyone is informed and involved.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences are essential for fostering communication and collaboration between parents and educators. These conferences provide a dedicated time for parents to discuss their child’s progress, ask questions, and address any concerns. By working together, parents and teachers can support the academic success and well-being of each student.

Testing Dates

Standardized testing is a valuable tool for assessing student learning and growth. The Leon County School Calendar includes key testing dates to ensure that students have adequate time to prepare and perform their best. These tests provide valuable data that helps guide instructional strategies and identify areas where additional support may be needed.

Field Trips

Field trips offer students the opportunity to learn outside the traditional classroom environment. Whether it’s visiting a museum, exploring a natural reserve, or attending a cultural event, field trips provide hands-on experiences that enhance learning and foster curiosity. The Leon County School Calendar incorporates field trips to complement classroom instruction and provide real-world connections to the curriculum.

Special Assemblies

Special assemblies are organized to celebrate achievement, provide motivational speeches, and showcase student talents. These events bring the school community together and create a sense of pride and unity. From award ceremonies to guest speakers and performing arts showcases, special assemblies add richness and diversity to the academic calendar.

Key Academic Dates

Key academic dates, such as project deadlines, presentations, and exams, are also included in the Leon County School Calendar. These dates help students plan and manage their workload effectively, ensuring they have ample time to prepare and excel in their academic endeavors. By having a clear schedule of key academic events, students can prioritize their time and make the most of their educational experience.

Event Date
Parent-Teacher Conferences TBD
Standardized Testing TBD
Field Trips TBD
Special Assemblies TBD
Key Academic Dates TBD

Leon County School Calendar Updates and Online Access.

The Leon County School Calendar is regularly updated to reflect any changes or adjustments to the schedule. Keeping track of these updates is crucial for students, parents, and teachers to stay informed and ensure they have the most accurate information. Luckily, accessing the latest version of the calendar is easy and convenient through the official Leon County School District website.

By visiting the district’s website, students, parents, and teachers can find the most up-to-date version of the Leon County School Calendar. This online access allows them to stay informed about any modifications made to the calendar, such as rescheduled holidays, additional planning days, or adjusted semester schedules.

With online access to the Leon County School Calendar, everyone can plan their activities and schedules accordingly. It provides a reliable resource that can be checked regularly, ensuring that important dates are not missed, and conflicts are avoided.

Whether it’s a change in the start or end dates of the school year, the addition of professional development days, or any other updates, the online version of the calendar will have the most accurate information, reflecting the current academic schedule.

To stay up-to-date with the latest changes, simply visit the official Leon County School District website and navigate to the calendar section. There, you’ll find the most recent version of the calendar, ensuring you have the most accurate and reliable information at your fingertips.

Leon County School Calendar Public Holidays.

The Leon County School Calendar for 2023-2024 includes public holidays that are observed by the entire school district. These holidays provide students and teachers with time off to celebrate and observe important cultural and national events. They are an essential part of the calendar and reflect the diverse community within Leon County.

Holiday Date
Labor Day September 4th, 2023
Veterans Day November 10th, 2023
Thanksgiving Holidays November 20th-24th, 2023
Winter Holidays December 20th, 2023 – January 1st, 2024
Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 15th, 2024
Presidents Day February 19th, 2024
Spring Holiday April 1st, 2024
Memorial Day May 27th, 2024


The Leon County School Calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year serves as a comprehensive guide for students, parents, and teachers. It provides a clear schedule of important dates, including the first day of school, holidays, breaks, and key academic events. By referring to the calendar regularly, everyone can stay organized and plan their activities accordingly.

The Leon County School District is dedicated to providing a structured and efficient academic calendar that benefits the entire community. It ensures that students have ample time for learning and growth, while also allowing for necessary breaks and holidays. The district understands the importance of a well-balanced schedule in supporting the academic success and well-being of students.

Parents and guardians can rely on the Leon County School Calendar to plan their family’s activities and vacations. Teachers can utilize the calendar to effectively plan their lessons, assessments, and classroom activities. By following the established schedule, everyone can contribute to a smooth and productive academic year.

The Leon County School District remains committed to excellence in education and recognizes the significance of a well-structured academic calendar. With the 2023-2024 calendar, the district aims to create an environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.


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