“Kardashians ordered from Wish”
Iris Klein celebrates with her daughters

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Even the best families argue sometimes – but everyone pulls themselves together again on mom's birthday. This is also the case with Daniela Katzenberger. After a long period of silence between her and her half-sister Jenny Frankhauser, they are now showing off their excitement at Iris Klein's 57th birthday.

Iris Klein celebrated her 57th birthday on Sunday in great style. Her daughters Jenny Frankhauser and Daniela Katzenberger also came to the garden party in Worms. The Mallorcan by choice had her husband Lucas Cordalis and a camera team in tow.

In recent years, there have been arguments in the family from time to time, and there was even a long period of silence between Daniela and her half-sister Jenny. But the problems seem to have been forgotten, because on her birthday they were happy together with their mother. The three women posed exuberantly for photos and videos that they uploaded to their Instagram channels.

Daniela Katzenberger published a clip in which they dance happily together. Jenny Frankhauser, who became a mother for the second time at the end of March and had baby Milan with her in a carrier, joked about a photo of them together: “Kardashians ordered from Wish. Happy birthday, mom. May all your wishes come true.”

As can be seen from the posts, Iris Klein was celebrated with a cheerful garden party by family, friends and neighbors – including a DJ, cocktail bar and karaoke. Daniela Katzenberger and Lucas Cordalis belted out a duet, then Iris Klein and her son-in-law were allowed to take the microphone. “Beautiful,” Katzenberger commented, laughing at the slightly offbeat sounds.

The 37-year-old is currently filming the new season of her docu-soap, which will probably also feature the party. “Because privacy is very important to us… the camera team is there on the birthday too,” she joked in her Instagram story. Her personal trainer Tobias Wendeler, who has been getting the well-known TV blonde in shape for a year, was also allowed to celebrate. Also among the guests was designer Pia Bolte, who has booked Iris Klein for her shows several times.

Iris Klein raves about her grandchildren

Katzenberger had previously sung “Happy Birthday” to the birthday girl with her nine-year-old daughter Sophia. This was probably one of the best presents for Iris Klein, who had made it clear in a sweet post just a week ago that family is her everything. She wrote on a photo of her giving her youngest grandson a bottle: “When I look at my grandchildren, I always know exactly what is important in life. Thank you for having you.” The family is the meaning of her life. “No money and no fame in the world could replace this feeling for me.”

It seems as if the 57-year-old has finally recovered from the separation drama with her ex Peter Klein. At the beginning of 2023, she unexpectedly broke up with her husband, causing one of the celebrity topics of the year. She claimed that he had cheated on her on the sidelines of the filming of “I'm a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!” with Yvonne Woelke. Many mutual accusations followed and finally the ex-couple sat together in the container on “Celebrity Big Brother”.

Iris Klein has been happy with her new partner Stefan Braun since the end of February. He showed his love publicly once again on the occasion of his birthday and sent his “sweetheart” warm congratulations on Instagram.


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